Nickl & Partner建筑设计股份公司
Lindberghstr. 19
D-80939 慕尼黑
电话:+49 (89) 36 05 14-0
传真:+49 (89) 36 05 14-99


克里斯蒂娜 尼克-薇勒(Christine Nickl-Weller)教授

赫尼慕斯 (Hieronimus Nickl) 尼克

本杰明 (Dr. Benjamin Rämmler) 拉姆勒

汉斯 尼克(Hans Nickl)教授

克里斯蒂娜 尼克 薇勒教授,汉斯 尼克教授,和赫尼慕斯 尼克均为巴伐利亚建筑协会注册建筑师。

Waisenhausstr. 4
D-80637 慕尼黑
电话:+49 (89) 13 98 80-0
传真:+49 (89) 13 98 80-99

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A to Zed 造型公司(A to Zed gestaltung),慕尼黑

照片:Bartosz Kolonko,上海
Stefan Müller-Naumann, Werner Huthmacher


Legal information

Publisher responsible for content
Nickl & Partner Architekten AG
Lindberghstr. 19
D-80939 Munich
Phone.: +49 (89) 36 05 14-0
Fax: +49 (89) 36 05 14-99

Management Board
Professor Christine Nickl-Weller
Hieronimus Nickl
Dr. Benjamin Rämmler
Harald Stieber

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Professor Hans Nickl

The architects Professor Christine Nickl-Weller, Professor Hans Nickl and Hieronimus Nickl are members of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects:

Bayerische Architektenkammer
Waisenhausstr. 4
D-80637 Munich
Phone: +49 (89) 13 98 80-0
Fax: +49 (89) 13 98 80-99

They are subject to the professional provisions of the Bavarian Law on Architects (BArchtG), and in particular, the obligations arising from §24 BArchtG and the Bavarian Chamber of Architects’ professional code of conduct. The text of the BArchtG [in German] can be consulted via the Bavarian Chamber of Architects’ home page www.byak.de or the website of the Federal Chamber of German Architects (BAK) www.bundesarchitektenkammer.de.

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Concept, design and implementation
A to Zed gestaltung

Photographs: Stefan Müller-Naumann, Werner Huthmacher, Bartosz Kolonko

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