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受德国复兴银行委托进行“绿色医院“研究 Nickl & Partner to carry out Green Hospital study

继2012年之后, Nickl & Partner建筑设计股份公司再次受德国复兴银行委托, 审核中华人民共和国资阳市第二人民医院的“绿色医院建设“, 并对其施工图提供咨询服务.

鉴于德国在“绿色医院“建设研究领域的建树, 德国成为了“绿色医院“在“全球气候保护“研究方向的先驱, 并推动了“可再生能源“的向前发展. 医院节能措施的运用能够对全球气候的保护作出贡献, 同时也节省了医疗事业的开支预算.
在展示德国的绿色医院建设技术的同时, 也在研究推动这种技术运用的政策.


For the second time after 2012 (Consultancy Services for Review and Detailed Planning toward a Green Hospital, Ziyang No. 2 People’s Hospital, China) Nickl & Partner has been commissioned by the Frankfurt banking group KfW to carry out a study.

The new study, entitled “Green Hospital”, reflects Germany’s wide-ranging know-how as a leading force in sustainability and renewable energy. Healthcare facilities have an important part to play in reducing energy consumption, protecting the environment and saving taxpayers’ money.The study highlights German experiences of green hospital building, and analyses the subsidy programmes used to promote this technology.

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